Services management

One of the major constraints facing the EPSA is the lack of assistance and support. In addition to insufficient administrative training in the directives of the EPSA, the high turnover of staff within them it makes much of the knowledge acquired is lost over time.

In this context, AGUATUYA created a management training offer small EPSA. The focus of this offer differs greatly from project approach usually applied in the sector. What is done under the project approach is to hire consultants to conduct specific training that usually occur once the team that will be responsible for operating and maintaining the water system. Through training AGUATUYA proposed by management, we change this approach one standing offer that meets a specific demand of the EPSA.

Since 2009, in partnership with the INFOCAL Foundation, they have conducted training courses in administrative and technical management two to three times a year, aimed at directors and management of small EPSA. The courses, taught in INFOCAL facilities, were divided into 4 modules taught for 3 days either during the week or on weekends. In 2011 it was begun in Operation and Maintenance courses, aimed specifically at operators of small EPSA. Both courses have been well received by the participants: satisfaction expressed through the assessments made at the end of each cycle.

With the experience of the various cycles they have been developed texts support Course Administrative and Technical Management in which it developed diffuses into the classroom, additional information, formats statutes, exercises in accounting and management tools for calculating rates.

At the request of municipalities and institutions AGUATUYA also offers courses outside INFOCAL.